Berry Bestie Smoothie
Preparation time: 5 minutes
1 cup Frozen Blueberries
½ cup Frozen Banana
¼ cup Soaked raw cashews
200ml Coconut Water 2
Medjool dates
With the cashews, its best if you can soak over night but even 20 minutes is better than nothing!
We should be soaking our nuts grains and seeds before consuming them. Enzyme inhibitors and phytates make them hard to digest and if you soak them they will neutralize.
I like to use frozen banana so it’s a bit creamer and then I don’t need to add ice if most things are cold.
Place all ingredients into blender until completely smooth, yum!
Soaking Nuts
There are some reasons we soak nuts, seeds and grains; research shows if we soak nuts:
It aids in neutralization of enzyme inhibitors
Makes proteins more readily available
Helps remove anti-nutrients like phytates, tannins and goitrogens
Increases nutrients potency like Vitamin B
Healthy enzymes are vital for healthy digestive system and soaking will help promote this
Eradicates toxins in the colan and helps with growth of good bacteria like lactobacilli